Welcoming Our Summer Interns from the FIU: Dayan Leng and Leonardo Boa Sorte


We are excited to welcome two new interns who will be joining us for the entire summer: Dayan Leng Armenteros and Leonardo Boa Sorte. They will share roles in engineering, logistics, and quality, working closely with our directors in these areas: Carlos Romay, Ariel Solís, and Antonio Hernández. These additions are part of our ongoing collaboration with the prestigious Florida International University College of Engineering and Computing (FIU).

Being part of the professional development of FIU students and witnessing their first steps is a source of pride and privilege for us. This aligns with our mission to foster the growth of young professionals and promote intergenerational collaboration. We are confident that they will make significant contributions to our company. Welcome aboard!

ABS Welcoming Our Summer Interns from the FIU

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