ABS develops a high-performance Girth Gear solution for Cementos Progreso Costa RicaDiscover how ABS delivered a high-performance, custom-engineered girth gear solution for Cementos Progreso Costa Rica,…
ABS’s innovative gearbox solution for CEMEXThe CEMEX Brooksville plant sought to enhance the efficiency and reliability of its ball mill…
Mill head inlet and discharge manufacturing process for ball and SAG millsThe comprehensive production process of the mill head inlet and discharge for ball and SAG…
Four-day overhaul and repair of the main rotary kiln’s gearbox for Holcim Costa Rica!If only a few days ago we received an award for “Operational Agility”, we can…
Upgrading, manufacturing and improvement of Rotary clay dryer mill drive systemWe manufactured a new gearbox with an increased service factor over the original, a new…
Manufacture of the Loesche 3,2+2 Cement Mill vertical gearbox transmission set and supervision of assembly on locationCementos San Marcos now has wholly refurbished equipment, repowered and ready to perform at full…
Repowered Gearbox for Cementos Argos RD Main Mill DriveThanks to the interchangeable design gearbox provided by ABS and MGS Gears, Cementos Argos will…
Cementos Santo Domingo is operating at full capacity with the new Girth Gear installed by ABS & MGS GEARSAfter 5 days of intense precision work and close collaboration with the plant’s technicians, the…