ABS supporting ASSCT in shaping the future of the American Sugar industry


From June 26 to 28, ABS participated as a Platinum sponsor at the 52nd Annual Joint Meeting of the American Society of Sugar Cane Technologists (ASSCT) in New Orleans. This joint meeting of the Florida and Louisiana divisions brought together the main stakeholders in the cultivation, harvesting, extraction, and final processing of sugar. Our U.S. sector manager, José Ugalde, along with our Sales Engineer, Adriana Rojas, had the opportunity to present firsthand the advancements of our products and customized solutions for the American industry.

At ABS, we are experiencing growth in terms of clients and business figures in the sector, primarily due to our 25 years of global experience and our wide range of solutions (engineering chains, bearings, gearboxes, etc.), fully customized to offer the best integration and performance of production systems.

The feedback received was very positive, motivating us to continue expanding our team and investing in R&D to reaffirm our commitment by strengthening and establishing new strategic alliances in the U.S. Constant feedback and close collaboration with our clients allow us to continuously adapt and improve our offerings to meet the changing needs of the market.

We appreciate the invitation and the excellent organization by ASSCT. We are excited about the future of the sugar industry in the United States and are confident that we will continue to be a key ally for our clients in this sector.

Jose Ugalde presenting ABS solutions for the sugar industry at the 52nd Annual Joint Meeting of the ASSCT
Jose Ugalde presenting ABS solutions for the sugar industry at the 52nd Annual Joint Meeting of the ASSCT
Adriana Rojas and Jose Ugalde at the ABS booth at the 52nd Annual Joint Meeting of the ASSCT
Adriana Rojas and Jose Ugalde at the ABS booth at the 52nd Annual Joint Meeting of the ASSCT

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