ABS Wind successfully hosts the ONYX Insight Wind Academy in Brazil04/30/2024Last week, ABS Wind had the pleasure of hosting the latest installment of the ONYX…
ONYX Insight unveils The Brazil Wind Academy 2024 in partnership with ABS Wind02/29/2024We conclude our participation in the OMS 2024 with the satisfaction of having experienced a…
VESTAS, ZF and ABS Wind join forces at Brazil Windpower 2023!09/14/2023Thanks to our partnership with ZF Group and Vestas, ABS Wind has established itself as a local benchmark in…
ZF and ABS Wind together at Brazil Windpower!09/10/2023This edition is particularly significant for us as it marks the first time that ABS…
Vestas, ZF Wind Power, and ABS Wind announce a partnership that consolidates service offerings for the Brazilian wind industry09/03/2023Vestas, a global leader in wind turbine manufacturing, and ZF Wind Power, the world’s largest…
Vestas Global Repair & Service Team visits ABS Wind Brasil facilities!02/20/2023Last week, we had the satisfaction of hosting the Vestas Global repair and service team…
ABS Wind Brasil, invited to the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding between the Government of the State of RN Brasil and Vestas12/02/2022At ABS Wind Brazil, we are proud to have participated, at the invitation of the…
ABS Wind successfully concludes its participation in Brazil WindPower10/27/2022Brazil WindPower 2022 has been a fantastic showcase and a significant gathering place for professionals…
Introducing ABS Wind Brasil brochure for the Brazilian wind sector10/17/2022We are pleased to present our brochure on repair, maintenance, and supply of spare parts and…
ABS Wind Brasil to present its repair, maintenance and spare parts supply solutions for the Brazilian wind energy sector at Brazil Windpower10/13/2022We say goodbye to WindEnergy Hamburg, where we shared a booth with Comerwind for the…